Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Some random thoughts related to Dragonboating.

Its been a rough week thus far, at work and at home ( trying to study for my coming Exam this Sunday) and it did not help that i kept thinking about the 5 dragonboaters that "moved on". I have been following the news about the 5 dragonboaters really closely and visting their facebooks, links and blogs about them online. I was moved by Reuben's beautiful music and read the words left behind by their loved ones. It was almost like i was trying to get to know them before the last traces of their existence fades away for good.

This is really hard to understand. When i used to see them at the pontoon at Kallang, it never occurred to me to go over to say hi or even give them a smile should they happen to look my way. I am begining not to understand myself, ever more so as i grow older. "Why so much emotions over people you hardly know?" i asked myself, but so far i have been unable to give myself a satisfactory answer.

Dragonboating was a sport i took up with the intention to just "keep the fats away", but the sport grew on me. I capitivated by the comaradrie that developed between members in the team, the common emotions we shared ---- the dissappointment of failures, the joy of success and the strength that we drew from each other. I never knew it was possible to feel this close to people that was not part of your family. I had never done competitive sports and the experience that dragonboating offered me was nothing less than magical. It was something to look forward to after a tough week at work and that was what kept me going for a long time, weekend after weekend. Only those who have experienced this for themselves can understand what this feeling embodies and what it means to be part of a dragonboat team. I guess this is the main reason why many in the national team was willing to go the distance for the sport and for the 5, they made the ultimate sacrafice in the name of the sport.

As with all good things, it will come to pass. I had to forgo the sport to persue my dreams and persuing them i am. If i say that i do not miss the days of rowing under the hot sun on Kallang river with my team mates then i would be lying. I met my friend in the gym a few months ago and he asked if i was still rowing, i said no and his reply was... "what a pity...." I asked why his answer was simply.... "Because its a pity you had to give up something you enjoyed doing." I was unable to say anything for a moment and for that moment there was this awkward slience amongst us. I snapped out and gave a answer... "Well, i can always pick it up again later in life.". It almost sounded defensive.

I am sure that someday i'll be back at Kallang and my paddle will taste the waters of Kallang again. Dragonboating has already become an integral part of me, something that will stick with me till the end of my days. While i am not sure when or how, but i will be back rowing again someday and rest assured i will be back for more races and fun. Dragonboating is no longer an activity "just to keep fats away", it has become a part of me, one that i know will grow to form a significant part of how i view my life in due time. Mean while... here's to everyone out there.... "I'll be back!" haha. :D


reioval said...

2 people reading! see you on 23rd k =)

One^Life said...

Gonna see you back at the pontoon man!

YM said...

Looks like i am not the only one awake at this uneatherly hour. :) YA, see you both back in Kallang soon meanwhile take good care!

Derrick said...

yay! we're gonna row like the good old days :D

YM said...

Ya! Just like the good ol' days! Except for maybe 1 difference... i don't think i can keep up with the pace and stamina you guys and gals have gained under the Powderful coachings of Johnson with his Shaft rowing! :P Gonna be so stressed since its been a long time since i last rowed!